Wednesday, August 4, 2010

If I Had To Start All Over Again - As An Artist!

As an artist, I think I at the very least accomplished what I set out to do.

Do something I love for work. Then it doesn't really feel like work anymore.

But as an artist, there's a few snags I think we all go through. 1 being that we end up doing work for people we don't really like, and we do the kind of work that absolutely bores the hell out of us. AND we end up feeling like we're actually doing work. Not artwork.

And so, that defies the whole purpose behind an artist picking "artist" as a career move.

At least, that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

So what do most of us artists do? You know, to further our careers as artists doing the kind of artwork or style WE LIKE? We do art shows, we put up a website, we write in a blog about our artwork. All in hopes that we are noticed for out style, or form of art we "like" to do. And finally, make a living at what we love.

Along the way, a lot of us end up snagged for a position as a web designer, graphic designer, printer, marketer, writer, maker of something. Something we don't particularly WANT to do, but at least it's in the "field" of art. Making us Artists.


Really the answer to that is a big phat NO!!!

So from now on I'm going to get a bit more serious about the art that I do.

If I had to start all over as an artist. Right now. And start all over knowing what I know now. I'm going to go with what I know.

Illustration. I love illustrating things. Cartoons, characters, scenes, the coloring process.

Which leads me to this last part.

HOW can an illustrator make money illustrating and LOVE what he/she does?

Well, obvious to me is that I need to illustrate things I love to illustrate. Comic Books & Graphic Novels. WHY? because they will be whatever the heck I WANT TO DRAW, and the little fact that I can sell them over and over again (printing my friend) without any extra effort.

And get paid royally!

That is, get paid royalties on my art.

So without further explanation.

STAY TUNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!