Friday, July 18, 2008

the United Street Poets

Yo, Checkedi-CHeck, can they get a mic check??

My brother in laws had me make they're cd cover. Gotta admit though, the photos reeeally sucked, but the cover came out aaaiiiggghhhttt even though I only had 2 pics to pic from for they're covers.

wish Weez's(guy on the left) would have been in the same position as D's pic. Just opposite.

there will be more, there will be more.....

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

We have lift off!

Graffiti is a crime in the eyes of the few, whom have money, businesses, and a stake in the community's finacial well being.

Graffiti is NEVER looked at as a crime to those who make their mark on the wall. It is a form of expression usually by the poor, beat down peasents of society, in order to tell their story, their feelings and their point of view, in picture form. And they say a picture is worth a thousand words.

But which thousand words?

I started this blog to keep a time capsule so to speak of graffiti and how it changes through time.

When I was in high school, graffiti was a rush. It was illegal. It was taboo. And there weren't any real outlets for persueing a career in graffiti.

KRS-ONE coined the phrase, "I'm out for fame", writing my name in graffiti on the wall.

And then he goes on to say, "Graffiti isn't corporate, so it gets no respect, it hasn't made a billion dollars for some coprporation yet."

So thats the purpose behind this new blog on graffiti. In the coming months and years I plan to keep this blog up and keep it moving forward.

If ANYONE would like to comment or send me pics of graffiti you shoot and send a description of it and where everyone can find it, this would be much appreciated.

Send anything you've got to, and address them to Scott.

Especially unusual and different pieces.

Scott Elvis Caron